09 January 2025
Cancelled: Meeting Thursday 30th January 2-4pm

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This meeting has been cancelled because of illness

The Countess of Sutherland’s Shopping List — and its Black Isle Connections

Scilla Aitchison

Victoria Hall, Cromarty

Scilla Aitchison’s favourite place as a child was the library. She worked in archives and libraries before becoming a researcher into local history and aiding some of the Scottish Diaspora around the World in the search for their Highland ancestry.

She will explain an 18th Century Countess of Sutherland’s shopping list and its Black Isle connections at a get together of the Fourways Club and Cromarty History Society.

The meeting will take place on Thursday January 30th at 2‐4pm in the Victoria Hall. All are welcome and refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there.

Meetings cost £5 or £15 for annual membership which covers the rest of meetings for the year 2024-2025. We look forward to seeing you all on the 26th.

Cromarty History Society now meets on the third Tuesday of each month, September‐April (except for variations this year in November and January — please see the programme) and occasionally during the summer

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